Koons Ford of Baltimore

Mar 22, 2024
Ford trucks maintenance

Whether you own a Ford truck, SUV, or sedan, regular maintenance is essential to keep it running smoothly and efficiently for many years.

Prioritizing regular maintenance will prevent small issues from turning into large, expensive repairs, and it doesn’t take much to keep up with regular servicing. At Koons Ford of Baltimore, we have special service coupons so regular maintenance doesn’t have to break the bank. 

Here are four (additional) ways we help keep your vehicle in top shape with regular service appointments.

Preventative Maintenance 

Routine inspection and servicing allow you to detect and resolve any issues early before they escalate into major problems. 

At your appointments, you’ll want to regularly:

  • Monitor fluid levels
  • Inspect belts and hoses
  • Change the oil
  • Replace the oil filter
  • Change air filters
  • Inspect vital components
  • Balance and align the tires
  • Check your battery

Optimize Performance 

Peak performance isn’t a premium perk, and there are ways you can optimize your Ford’s performance to keep it running as long as possible. 

A well-maintained engine runs more efficiently with less strain than one that isn’t. Over time, the oil in your engine thickens, and you’ll need to replace it to avoid damaging the engine components and having an even more costly repair on your hands.

Making sure to keep up with your service appointments not only improves the quality of your driving experience, but will improve your fuel efficiency by maintaining the health of your drive train and keeping your vehicle components running better and longer to save you money, time, and stress in the long run.

Prevent Premature Wear 

Engine components naturally degrade over time from regular use and environmental factors, but getting your vehicle serviced regularly can help mitigate these effects of wear and tear.

Regular maintenance preserves your vehicle’s structural integrity by catching minor issues that could compromise your safety, extend the lifespan of your vehicle, and keep its resale value high.

At your service appointment, the technicians will lubricate moving parts so they don’t get stuck, replace worn-out components to avoid a breakdown, and promptly address any other issues you have. 

Ready To Book Your Ford Service Baltimore, MD? 

Don’t settle for unsafe driving or get stuck with an expensive emergency. Stop by Koons Ford of Baltimore to schedule a Ford service appointment and keep your vehicle running at optimal performance.